Friday, January 18, 2019

Backstreet Week

This week, I have a week full of Backstreet Boys and most of it was at work! And it's not even release week yet!

The first thing happened at a work training on Tuesday. We were all sitting there and our trainer, who also happens to be our CFO, made some comment about music and how his son listens to way different music than he did. Well, a co-worker, D, said, "What did you listen to, J, Backstreet Boys?" No one in the room knew I was a fan because I was the only one from my site. I just dropped the proverbial, "Don't go there!" It was just too funny in my mind.

The second thing happened on Wednesday. Supervisor J had already left for an appointment. We were down to one kid, a fourth-grade girl. One of the other staff members was cleaning in the corner, humming something. Fourth-grader said that guys couldn't sing. I teased her that she needed to hear my ring tone. So I played it for her. (It's "Don't Go Breaking My Heart".) She heard it and went, "I love this song! Who sings it?" BAM! It opened the door for me to pull up YouTube and show her it was the Backstreet Boys! I even caught her singing it a few minutes later. Converting the next generation!

Then, there was last night. I happened to check my phone to see if I needed to charge it and there was a note that the Backstreet Boys had posted a new video. So I check it out. The song is called "Breathe" and it's them acapella! *swoon* I guess that's one way to make sure your album doesn't get leaked: drop it yourself! One more week until this album comes out!

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