Monday, April 27, 2020

Quarantined: Cooking with the Littrells, Part 2

I guess when you're famous, if you do an Instagram video, you're newsworthy. OK, so it was Entertainment tonight. But still.

So Brian dropped on his Facebook Page the time-lapse of them preparing for this interview. The interview itself was like two and a half minutes. I missed it live, (are you noticing a pattern here with this family and their news appearances?) but it went up almost instantly. It was very cute. They were making Swedish meatballs (yet something else I won't eat), but it was still cute! And, hey, at least Brian put on a shirt!

And speaking of food I won't eat... Remember when Baylee made an omelette and I said I might want one? Well, this happened:

Yes, I made myself an omelette. It was my first time and it actually came out! Now, here's the problem: I can't stand eggs! (It was a bad experience with them while I was pregnant with my daughter.) Anyway, that's saying something if this boy got me to make myself an omelette! Ok, no more though. Because afterward, it just didn't sit well with me!

One of my favorite parts of his making an omelette is he is so like the rest of us. Did you catch him accidentally turning on the wrong burner??? OMG, how many times have I done that! But yeah, no more eggs for me. I'll make all the scrambled eggs for my kids, but no more for me, even if Baylee comes back with the BEST egg dish ever!

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