Monday, January 25, 2016

It's a Conspiracy!

It's a conspiracy, I tell you!

I have yet to see the new "X-Files" episode.

There's a good reason for that. I had to go get the kids last night and then get them to bed. By the time this was accomplished, I was too tired to try and see if the episode was OnDemand yet. So I went to bed and decided I would try to watch it at some point during the day today. I knew that would be difficult because trying to watch anything that isn't a kid's show when any one of the kids is home is SO difficult!

Then I saw THIS posted on "The X-Files Facebook Page:

Yes! They had released it online for FREE!

So I sat down to watch it.

Yep, coffee in hand on my new computer. Now here's where the conspiracy comes in. Got through the teaser, the title sequence and was ALMOST through the first act. But the moment we see an REAL LIVE ALIEN on the TV, Shockwave decides to crash! WHAT??????

Okay, no biggie. I just restarted Shockwave, and went back to the link. After interacting with an ad (versus watching 2 and a half minutes of ads), I was able to jump back to just about where I was! Yay technology!

But then AT THE SAME SPOT Google Chrome decided to stop working! WHAT???????? This is a conspiracy, I tell you!

I guess I will go do laundry and go the grocery store and hope that I can watch it later on the actual television. Maybe the kids will play quietly somewhere in the house so I can do that....


  1. Oh no!! Good luck! As long as you watch them by next Monday I'll forgive you ;)

    1. Hoping to watch them this weekend. I tried to watch yesterday while the munchkin was napping. Got farther in the first eps but my mom called and when I went back into it I would've had to start all over! *sigh*
