Friday, May 8, 2020

FanGirl Friday: BSB Around the World

Back in November 2000, BSB did something crazy. They went around the world in 100 hours to promote their new album, "Black and Blue." They did a DVD of said trip. There was even a board game! Yes, BSB had a board game! I owned it.

When I left my ex, I left with the bare essentials. I then had him eventually pack up everything else. Well, apparently, something got left. When I was digging through all my boxes, I never found my BSB game. I thought it must have gotten lost when we moved from SoCal back home so I let it go.

Somewhere after the fire, I think, my kids told me about this "Backstreet Boys game" that their step-mother had. I told them that I had one at one point too.

So this past Christmas, they told me that the gift they got me while they were at their dad's they actually found in the garage. When I heard that, I kinda guessed it was the game. And low and behold, it was!

Okay, so now on to the next part of this game story. Our sitter lost her mom back in October. She was finally cleaning through her mom's things and said she found something that I just needed to have. She came over to visit a couple weeks back and brought said thing, which happened to be THIS GAME! The only difference is that the inside of the game her mom had is STILL FACTORY! Yes, all the pieces are still in the bags. The stickers were never put on the die. Yeah, the box isn't in the greatest condition, but still! So now, I have TWO of these when I thought I had lost it so many years ago!

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