Wednesday, May 13, 2020

WIP Wednesday

Thought I'd actually introduce this tag a little bit. So this is "WIP Wednesday" or "Work in Progress Wednesday". Last month I used it to talk about Camp NaNo because it was a giant Work in Progress. Last week, I used it to talk about finishing one of my major WIPs, "Sire." This week, I thought I'd just talk about it in general.

Seen, until recently, I haven't been able to finish my stories. Yeah, sometimes I'd finish short ones, but when it came to longer ones, I'd have these MASSIVE stories and never finish them. I think part of that is because I never really had a "tribe." Yeah, sure I've had writer friends over the years. I've done lots of different things: message boards, chatrooms, etc to keep those relationships going. But eventually, I guess I just didn't feel supported. Why? Well, I primarily write fanfiction. I don't know why. I just enjoy it. And whereas some people write fanfiction based off of books, movies or television shows, I write fanfic based off of real people. I don't know why I enjoy this so much, but I do. I thought I was the only person who was still writing in this fandom because, well, you couldn't really find fanfic anymore. Sure, is still around, but a very long time ago, they dropped the RPF from their archives.

It wasn't until someone posted in the Backstreet Boys Official Group asking if anyone still wrote fanfiction did I find my tribe. This person, now friend, started a whole group because I literally jumped up and down and said that I still wrote fanfic! The group has since expanded beyond fanfic, but I'm still writing! AND I'm still being encouraged by a group of people whom I gladly call my friends. It's only because of them that I was able to actually finish and win NaNo 2019. It's only because of them that I was able to finish and win Camp NaNo last month. It's only because of them that I was able to finally finish my novel from NaNo 2018. It's also because of them that I found a way to share my fanfic with others.

And alas, this tribe of mine also helps me work on new ideas. I've got one now. I'm not going to share much about it yet because it has no title and I really don't have a direction for it yet. I have posted the first chapter, but I really don't know much about it yet. But it is another one that is out of my comfort zone. It's going to be amazing I feel. I can't wait to keep working on it and share it with you as I complete it, because now, with my tribe, I don't worry about not finishing things. I work to finish them. I'm looking at some of my old WIPs and seeing if/how I can work on finishing those as well. It's actually a really good feeling. I hope as I work on more WIPs to be able to bring them to WIP Wednesday either as nearly completed or finally finished fics!

What to know what I'm working on? Click here to see my "Works in Progress."

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