Monday, April 20, 2020

27 Years!

I cannot believe I am writing this post! How is it that these guys have been doing this for 27 years? It just amazes me!

A little history lesson here. Let's get it from THE Boy's mouth that it happened to!

Brian was the last member to join. And he's my favorite. He has been since 1999. Yes, I have been a fan since 1999. The Millennium era. *sigh*

But, I have known about them for longer. See, back in 1992, I seem to remember a blurb on my Top 40 station. The DJ said that he had found an ad that said a guy in Orlando, Florida was looking for singers to form a New Kids on the Block type group. Why is this relevant to BSB history? Because when you ask Nick how old he was when he met the guys, he always says "12." Nick and I are the same age. So if Brian didn't join until 1993, he would've been 13.

Anyway, here's Brian and Nick talking about the day they first met. (This is from the Singapore concert. Brian actually drops the date.)

These guys hold a special place in my heart. Why? I'm not entirely sure. They are real, down to earth guys. They're all dads. They're amazing at what they do.

I mean, who would've thought that we would have "eras" of the Boys! The "Millennium Era," the "Vegas Era," the "Era without Kevin," the "NKOTBSB Era," etc! It's just incredible! And now we are in a NEW "era": DNA! How blessed we are to be living in a world like this. (No pun intended.)

The only thig I know is that I will always be a fan.

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