Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Quarantined: Baylee's Boxes

Ok, couple things about this song, "Boxes." One, I LOVE IT!!!!! Two, there are TWO versions of it. Three, there are two videos for it, one for each version. And four, well, there is no four. It's just a dang cute song and so perfect for Baylee.

Moving on. When they released the "615" version, (yes, Baylee will teach you your area codes: 770 = Atlanta, 615 = Nashville), they released a video with it. It's a bunch of stuff from the tour and is just super cute.

So, when the family released the video, they sent it to CMT. CMT picked it up and put it into the rotation. They've been stalking CMT waiting for it to air. (If I had CMT, I'd be doing it too!) So while they were prepping for their ET interview (See this post.), it aired! Brian, being the good dad who KNOWS how important THIS moment is, recorded it for us! (See it here.)

And being it's now in rotation AND getting airtime, that means he qualifies for the weekly fan-favorite countdown: CMT 12 Pack. And guess what? HE MADE IT ON IT last Friday at NUMBER 6! (Again, Dad's got us on this one, but the whole fam put on Instagram too! See it here.) And what's even better, YOU CAN GO VOTE FOR HIM!!!!! The best thing, you can vote multiple times!!!! So, what are you still doing reading this? Go VOTE!

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