Friday, April 24, 2020

FanGirl Friday: Digital Repop

As you may know, I lost everything, including my BSB CD collection. (See this post for a refresher.) When I bought my car a year ago, it HAD to have a CD player. The only CDs that survived the fire were whatever was in my car, which happened to be Unbreakable, This is Us, and NKOTBSB. I have been slowly replacing all my CDs. And with the help of my friends, I have finally accomplished it! I've had some pretty awesome things happen over the course of getting this collection replaced.

Like being able to get Brian's Welcome Home CD because Brian went all comment lock-down on an Instagram post. (I talked about it here.) Yeah, that was kinda cool. I got to chatting with a fan on his FB page about it and how I had two copies of it. I can even picture the one I had sitting on my nightstand the morning of the fire that was unopened. And we got to talking and she said she had a copy and would send it to me!

I also had my BSB Tribe send me the rest of the CDs to complete my collection. That was pretty awesome! It was a complete surprise that they did that for me!

The coolest thing with that is I finally listened to In a World Like This. Yes, I'll admit, I hadn't listened to that album AT ALL! See, I got it back in 2013 when it came out. But I left my ex shortly afterward. I don't know what happened to that album. But I have now finally listened to it!

Probably the strangest thing that transpired over the course of this journey happened when I tried to replace the original Backstreet Boys album from 1994/95 era. (i.e. The Red Album.) I got with a couple of ideas in mind. One, hearing Nick sing all high pitched pre-pubescent on "Let's Have a Party." And two, hearing Brian sing BOTH verses on "Quit Playin' Games."

So I got the album from the post office and popped it in my car. The first indication that something was wrong should have been that my car "read" the album. It was literally telling me the songs on the display. But then when I got to "Quit Playin' Games," that's when I noticed something wrong. Nick sang the second verse! Yep! I got a digital repop of this album! *sigh* Oh well, I guess I'll take it. My chances of finding an original like I had are extremely slim!

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